Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Follow your star...

When I graduated from high school, among the gifts I received, was a small plaque inscribed with this very simple quote:

“Climb high, climb far. Your goal the sky, your aim the star.”

I fell in love with this sentiment. And for the past 27 years this little plaque has always been hung where I could read these words every single day, regardless of where I lived. In a way, the words offered me comfort and kept me grounded. The words reminded me to never give up, to always move forward, onward toward my goals. And in the end, they helped me meet my goals, no matter the slings and arrows life sometimes threw my way.

It is only now, with a recent major change in my life, I have lost track of this most important treasure. For the first time, the words are not there for me to read and meditate upon for a few moments each day. But, I remember them and call their spirit into my new life. At times I falter. At times I want to give up. But then I remember my favourite words; the words that helped me over the decades. The words that have shaped me into the woman that I am today.

The words are now etched in my heart. So, even without the little plaque, I will continue my life. I will climb high and climb far. My goal is the sky, my aim is the star.

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