Monday, February 16, 2009

Serendipty under the madrona tree...

Recently I happened to be at the airport in Seattle where I met a knitter. She was sitting and knitting a long blue scarf while waiting for the arrival of her friend. I had just arrived and was waiting to meet my sister for a much-needed ‘girls weekend’. I sat next to the knitter and admired her scarf.

“Are you a knitter?” she asked me.
“Yes”, I answered.
“Are you here for the Madrona?” she inquired.
“I could be” I replied, “what is it?”.
She went on to tell me it is an annual winter fiber retreat being held over the weekend. Suddenly, I had a mission: attend the Madrona Fiber Festival! So, my sister and I carved out some time and went. While we were there we saw the knitter from the airport and spent a few minutes talking with her and her friend. It was a terrific recommendation and I am so happy I went. I think I will plan on attending next year.


Jerilyn said...

hey! This is the friend in the airport. SO glad you enjoyed. Darn -- we could have had you do a Tarot reading. Next year!


Anonymous said...

I will look for you next year.It was great meeting you and seeing how pleased you were with yourself when you learned to spin. That is what Madrona is all about. 300 like-minded people tickled to death with what they can create...and a little retail therapy to top it off.

Anonymous said...

It was great meeting you at the airport and again at madrona. It was also wonderful seeing how pleased you were with yourself when you learned to spin. I hope to see you next year!
