Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Libra moon...

Each night before I go to bed, I take a moment to find the moon in the sky. Not only do I watch her, but I like to think she watches over me. Long ago she cast her spell on me with her rhythm and mystery. Like the never ending pull of the tides, she continues to inspire in me a sense of wonder and curiosity. Tonight there will be another glorious full moon. With a forecast of clear skies, she will light up the winter sky and shine into my bedroom, bathing it in an ethereal silver light. Everything will be transformed and will take on a look that is otherworldly; once again I will offer thanks for the eternal guardianship given by earth’s only moon.

This particular full moon is special because I learned something about myself today. The moon was in the constellation of Libra on the day I was born. Libra is represented in the stars as ‘the Scales’. Among other things, this means that the moon’s influence on my personality is such that the desire for harmonious relationships and surroundings is so strong that I avoid personal confrontations or any expression of intense, unpleasant emotions. As an idealist, living in peace and harmony with others is of paramount importance. Inwardly I am often torn with indecision and am much more at odds with myself that others would ever guess, given my relatively even disposition.

I happen to appreciate the basic tenant of astrology, the “as above, so below” influence of the planets and the stars. I count myself fortunate to be the recipient of the gifts the natal Libra moon brings to my life.

Image by Josephine Wall as featured at www.mystical-art/com

1 comment:

SunTiger said...

Beautiful entry. I was born under the Libra Sun sign . . .

{You write wonderful visual cues like poetry}