Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some good advice...

Just the other day someone gave me some good advice. I had asked for it. While this individual does not know me in real life, she understands my passion for the tarot. Through the tarot she was able to tell me what I most needed to hear: it is time to step outside of my comfort zone if I expect to grow.

For years I have been motoring along, doing what is right, what is expected, answering the ‘corporate call’, and being responsible. In spite of all the ‘good girl’ things I have managed to accomplish, what I am most proud of is my discovery of the passions in my life: poetry, stories, philosophy, art, and science. Magically, all of these things, (and more), are wrapped up in a wonderful package called the tarot. Used for self-exploration and insight, the tarot can offer a glimpse of what is possible, especially if one is willing to consider an alternate ending to the story.

The tarot is filled with pictures which represent archetypes and energies. When we call upon these energies, they can infuse our lives with color and purpose. The energy and power of Earth helps us stay grounded so we have a sense of stability and a place to begin. The energy of Air can bring in a breath of freshness to inspire us with new ideas and dreams as it sweeps out old thoughts and limitations we have outgrown. Sometimes wonderful things can happen when we combine energy. The energies of Fire and Water can combine to make steam, which can be very powerful. It can move us forward with passion and emotion as we use our gifts to create what has been lying dormant in our imagination.

So if you are enjoying your comfort zone, revel in it. If you are feeling it is time to step beyond this place, time to stretch yourself and grow, be prepared for some amazing things to happen. But don’t forget to look back every once in awhile just to admire the view and see how far you have come.

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