Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No stars for sale...

"The stars, the stars... oh how they shine!"

As a lover of stars, I was disappointed to learn that most stars are not given a unique name, but rather, they are identified by a number. I wanted to find out why, so I went to the source that has the authority over the stars. No, I did not speak with God himself. Rather, I googled the International Astronomical Union. For decades stars have been discovered, numbered, and then added to an enormous database. Not very romantic, to be sure. But then again, the sheer number of stars dictates that numbering them is the only way to ensure we can find them again.

In addition to the numerical naming of stars, I found out that it is not possible to have a star named after someone you love. While there are companies out there that promote such services, the IAU clearly notes on their website that this practice is just not done. It is a matter of "buyer beware", regardless of the claims made by these companies. Simply put, the stars are not for sale. This makes me very happy. It means the entire universe of stars is there for us to enjoy. All of the stars belong to you and to me. And on any clear night, we can go out, look up, and marvel at their beauty.

If you want to learn more about the naming of stars, or about why they are not for sale, visit the International Astronomical Union site yourself.

In spite of the fact that stars are numbered, it does not take away from their magic or beauty. Many stars do have names, as do star clusters and constellations. If you look in the literature, there are many myths and legends about the stars and how the constellations got their names.

So, for you romantic star-lovers, there is much to learn about the stars. While the scientists continue to learn and teach us about the technical aspects of stars, I prefer to think of the stars in a most heavenly context while enjoying their stories across all cultures and times. Their magic and mystery will always hold a special place in my heart.

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