Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New moves...

I learned a new move today. It was a big moment. It was big because it moved me forward as a knitter. It was big because I ‘figgered it out by myself (with a little help from the authors of “Knitting for Dummies”). It was big because I had tried to work the row with the ‘new move’ six times before my “Aha!” moment finally kicked in. And it was at that point that I felt like I had accomplished something just short of a miracle.

Likely everyone else in the knitting universe was able to do this move when they first encountered it. But for me, with a memory that has not been cooperating, and visualization skills that are less than stellar, it was great to be able to create a piece of fabric (Lattice Lace) that looks complicated, and I thought it was, but once I learned how to do it, it was a snap!

The project at hand is an 24-square afghan. Each square is a different pattern, designed specifically to help new knitters like me learn new moves (or skills). I am learning, alright! Now, only 23 more squares to go!

(Yarn: Lionbrand’s “Vanna’s Choice”, 100% acrylic, color: Honey)

1 comment:

Batty said...

It's beautiful! Congratulations on your breakthrough. This is one of the things I love about lace -- at first, it looks difficult and feels awkward, and at first, it really is. But then something just clicks and you're moving. It's great.

I also love Knitting for Dummies. It has helped me out of more than one tight spot. I have 2 other knitting reference books, but somehow, I keep going back to that one.