Every once in awhile it is a good idea to stop and make time to give thanks for what is present in this life. Lately I have had some significant challenges, but have come to realize that they are entirely surmountable. And in the process I have made the time to think about those little things in my life that truly matter to me. Of course, there are my family and friends, whom I love and adore without question. But it was important for me to also think about what is right and perfect in my life, right now, on a much more mundane scale. And while these things listed are certainly not of any greater importance than the family and friends in my life, they are what give my amazing life sweetness and spice.
So, in no particular order, I offer you 100 things that brighten up my life and I would not want to miss for the world. As you read them, I challenge you to think what would be on your list…
1. The stars in the sky.
2. The planets in our solar system.
3. Io, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa (four of the many moons of Jupiter).
4. The sun, our closest star. May such light forever warm my shoulders and offer comfort.
5. Poetry- particularly sonnets.
6. Children’s literature. So many wonderful stories and so many amazing illustrations.
7. The dictionary. I began a love affair with this book in grade 6.
8. Chet Raymo, an astronomer and naturalist, who is an amazing writer.
9. Earth’s moon- fat, round, and ever present, reminding us of the cyclical nature of life.
10. Strawberry-Rhubarb jam. Sweet, tangy, and perfect on a hot buttered English muffin.
11. Camels. Lovely brown eyes with l-o-n-g eyelashes to keep out the desert sand.
12. Children’s laughter- the deep, belly laugh they give when caught up ‘in the moment’ of silliness and fun.
13. A cool gentle breeze coming in the window at night to caress my bare shoulder as I sleep.
14. Any song sung by my favourite singer, Van Morrison.
15. Slow dancing, with a sway to match the movement of grass in the wind, or kelp in the sea.
16. Puppies!
17. Pretty summer dresses that make me feel beautiful and feminine.
18. Dr. Seuss stories.
19. Morning coffee- a perfect start to any day!
20. Capers- little buds of zingy goodness to spark up tuna salad, potato salad, or pasta dishes.
21. The local public library- so many books, so little time! And all for free! Yeah!
22. Sugar cookies- especially when made with a star-shaped cookie cutter.
23. The soft call of a mourning dove…coo…cooo…cooooo….
24. The scent of fresh and growing lavender in the garden on a hot summer day.
25. Rainbows
26. The pitter patting sound of rain falling on leaves.
27. Bumble bees.
28. Colouring with perfect, bright felt tip markers and muted colouring pencils.
29. Pigeon, a loveable story-book character created by Mo Willems.
30. The sensation I get when walking barefooted on healthy grass in the summertime.
31. Shovelling snow- it is physical, outdoors, and works up an appetite!
32. An afternoon spent in an art gallery or museum.
33. Listening to live music performed by friends.
34. Waking up with a great poem in my head, one that is just insisting it be put down on paper.
35. Homemade blueberry cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream.
36. Fuzzy caterpillars. And by extension, butterflies!
37. The smell of a campfire and roasting marshmallows.
38. A good night’s sleep- deep and dreamless.
39. Cooking a special meal to honour and care for my family and friends.
40. Patchouli incense. Melllow and evocative.
41. The potential held within a single blank sheet of paper.
42. John Waterhouse prints.
43. Spying wildlife while out walking in nature.
44. Fiddle head ferns, and edible fiddle heads, too!
45. Using my imagination.
46. Art deco-style architecture and artwork.
47. Watching baby ducklings in the pond in the spring.
48. Black and white photography. Ansel Adams prints in particular.
49. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories.
50. The children’s poetry of Shel Silverstein.
51. Owls. Who doesn’t like owls?
52. Sitting under a tree in the summer and reading a book, especially short stories.
53. White tulips.
54. Creative writing.
55. Being trusted with a secret.
56. The smell of cinnamon and vanilla.
57. Orange-spice zucchini bread with orange glaze on top!
58. Claude Debussey’s “Claire de Lune”
59. Apricots.
60. Fresh dates.
61. Fresh figs.
62. Long, slow back rub- both giving and receiving.
63. The sound of a fog horn in the night.
64. Fresh cut flowers at the breakfast table.
65. Comfy slippers to keep my feet warm in the wintertime.
66. The smell of fresh pine needles.
67. The sound of the wind in the trees.
68. Kumquat marmalade- taught myself how to make it and it was delicious.
69. Salad- spinach with little treats such as berries, raisin, or nuts is really fun to eat.
70. Balvenie limited edition single malt scotch. So smooth.
71. Early morning bike rides.
72. Curling up in front of a roaring fire on a cold winter’s evening.
73. My large-brimmed straw hat.
74. The sound of a cat purring while contentedly sleeping in my lap.
75. Sweet peas growing in our garden as they learn to climb the trellis.
76. Grilled veggies- earthy, hearty, and filled with vitamin-y goodness!
77. “Chick-a-dee-dee-dee” song sung by the little black-capped chick-a-dees outside.
78. Fresh linens on the bed, especially after a busy day out in the world.
79. A foot rub.
80. Red vines licorice! And “Good and Plenty” black licorice candies.
81. Dark chocolate and red wine. Mmm.
82. An afternoon spent knitting.
83. The painting of Vincent Van Gogh.
84. The psalms in the bible
85. A walk anytime of the day or night.
86. Reading about the history of science, religion, and philosophy.
87. Key lime pie
88. Cross-country skiing with hot chocolate to follow.
89. My teddy bear.
90. The sound of crickets at night.
91. Hotdogs piled high with saurkraut.
92. Shiny new pennies.
93. Walking along the beach on the wet, firm sand without any shoes on.
94. Freshly ironed shirts
95. Orange juice and champagne…guess that would be a mimosa!
96. Spinning on my drop spindle to transform fleece into yarn.
97. Stained-glass windows whose picture tells a story.
98. The sound of a choir singing in a large, acoustically alive church.
99. Long, slow, deep kisses.
100. Life itself.